What is YOUR GIFT??
And how do you find it?
With www.theblackbeltmastermind.com
Recently I was pontificating on how to reach a certain milestone in my business.
I was chatting with my partner and I asked him his opinion.
I asked him what he thought I should do so as to become better known as the 'go to person'. The one that people could find easily when they were looking for help.
I was feeling frustrated and in a hurry to go global! lol
He mentioned how much things had changed for me in the past few years but I was still feeling impatient. He asked me what had I done so far?
I reflected on this and replied that besides the obvious practical stuff, like websites, some SEO and all that techno stuff (all good practical stuff) really I had not done much else.
'Really?' he asked. 'So how have you got clients so far?'
'Well', I replied.. 'I have just been myself'.
I shrugged and he looked at me with a meaningful glint in his eyes.
That's when I copped it! He's much smarter than me, you see! :-)
And I'm the one always preaching about 'trying'!
You see, I don't have to 'try'. I just have to 'be' me!
Pay special attention to this!
If you 'try' to be something then your not being authentic.
As long as you just 'BE' you than all will go smoothly. Once you start to try to be something your loosing your 'self'! My successes have all come about without 'trying'. When I was at my most natural, fired up with passion and belief and an inner fire that's when I have achieved transformation with my clients.
When I worked from a place of authenticity and integrity that's when others passed it on and spread the word for me!
The same goes for you.
My gift is simply being 'me' and yours is being 'you'.
This is MUCH deeper than it sounds!
Think about it :-)
How much more authentic and real are you with others when you are NOT trying to BE something but just simply BEING you - This is your gift to others.
Have the courage to let go and be yourself.
I'm not talking about learning and honing your skills and knowledge or improving your visibility with social media etc. All this is valuable and useful. I'm not talking about wanting to improve your life or aspiring to better things. Dreaming big and taking action is what I'm all about! Every time you experience or learn something new you are stretching your knowledge and hence your ability to manifest.
I'm talking about what you GIVE to others at any moment.
Are you giving YOU or someone you think you should be.
Your gift is to be authentic.
Your gift is to be YOU...and in return you will get many gifts from others.
One of my dogs was very ill this week, you may have seen my fb post here https://www.facebook.com/theblackbeltmastermind/photos/a.484211644930596.112776.483971261621301/851573518194405/?type=1&theatre
Anyway, he made it thanks to his brother and my Hero Macchi.
Macchi didn't 'try' to be anything. He just was and used his gift.
Everyday he gives me this gift by loving me unconditionally and filling me full of joy and love.
Can you do that for someone today??
Love unconditionally and share your gift and you will get back so many more!
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