Do YOU do these things???
The TOP things UNSUCESSFULL people do...
1 - Think Ignorantly - They do not 'educate' themselves and are therefore ignorant. This is defined as 'lack of knowledge or information'. When we believe we 'know it all' is the moment we become ignorant. There is always more we can learn and not simply from books. Experience is the best teacher. So go out and LEARN from the world today and never stop even when you think you know it all. As I say in my book The Blackbelt Mastermind - * 'A Black Belt is simply a White belt who never gave up.'
2 - Blame others - If we blame others, our circumstances and our past etc, we can NEVER change things. Playing the victim leaves us powerless. Instead accepting responsibility or as I like to say Response Ability gives us power! Once we become AWARE and we can then make our own decisions. Remember between every Thought and action there is ...CHOICE. * So CHOOSE to take ResponseAbility and you will see massive changes happen!
3 - Think Negatively - When we constantly complain and moan and think negatively we are simply choosing the direction of our thoughts. Successful people know this and choose instead to focus wisely. Next time you are faced with a problem or dilemma instead of concentrating on 'Why' you have this problem instead concentrate on what you can do to change it. Concentrate on the solution. * YOU get more of what you focus on!
4 - Procrastinate - Procrastination is something you DO not something you HAVE. It is NOT a disease! When you procrastinate you are simply playing a bad tape in your head. Notice what tape you are playing. Is what you are imagining pleasant or painful? Change it to a better tape. Imagine how great you will feel and the wonderful results of you taking action. This is much more motivating! Instead if you want to take action and succeed choose to ACT immediately. The longer you leave it the harder it gets, just like the saying.... 'He who hesitates meditates in a horizontal position.' The trick is simply to do SOMETHING no matter how small! Once you take any action it is easier to do more! Feeling unmotivated to go for a walk? Simply get up and put your runners on. Chances are the simple act of getting off the couch will propel you further. Action attracts action.
5 - Stay in their box - Unsuccessful people look at life with blinkers on. They have a limited view point and vision. Successful people instead keep an open mind and look at different opinions and outlooks than just their own. They are more open to comments, constructive criticism and advice. They surround themselves with a team of people who are experts in their respective fields rather than believing they are the experts on every subject.
6 - Stay in their comfort zone - Unsuccessful people rarely step outside their comfort zone. They fear change and the unknown and value familiarity above all else. Successful people take calculated risks and enjoy the adventure. This is like a muscle. Develop your courage more very day by doing something to challenge yourself no matter how small. Set yourself a task, goal or challenge and follow through. Take on a new hobby, go to a local Meetup group, talk to that girl or boy that you like. Hold yourself accountable and you will see your comfort zone stretch far and wide. * The more you do this the more courageous you will become. Very quickly what you once feared will amaze you! Remember FEAR is simply False Evidence Appearing Real.
7 - Think only of themselves - It is ironic but often concentrating on solely ourselves often has the most detrimental result. Successful people have become so because they have a PURPOSE and often that is to help others. Think of the people in your life and how you can make a difference. A simple smile can completely change someone's day. When you concentrate on others you will get this back tenfold. * Make it one of your daily routines every day to make a difference to someone's life and soon you will see all the abundance of the world.